

dec 02

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Technology and its impact in the classroom (Muir-Herzig, 2004)

See on Scoop.itMaster Leren & Innoveren Rotterdam

” Recent findings have shown that at-risk students in grades k-12are being deprived of challenges and of the chance to use complex thinking skills. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect that the level of computer technology use in the classroom has on at-risk students’ grades and attendance. A teacher technology survey is used to measure teacher use, student use and overall use of technology in the classrooms. The sample for this study consists of teachers from a Northwest Ohio high school. Results of the study indicate that teachers’ technology use, students’ technology use, and overall technology use have no significant positive effect on the grades and attendance of at-risk students. In addition the study finds that technology use is low among the teachers in the sample. These results suggest that for technology to be effective and make changes in at-risk students’ grades and attendance, schools must be prepared for technology use in the classroom. Leaders need to develop a model that would include a shared vision, entire school community involvement, specific training for staff and time for the training, a full time technology director and time for the staff to communicate and share among peers for technology to be an effective tool in the classroom curriculum

See on te886.pbworks.com

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